Watch the Sundance Film Festival Deadline interview with the creator and directors of ‘Chanshi’ and me!
"Chanshi" made headlines even before the broadcast thanks to a series of surprising castings - Lihi Griner, Roni Dalumi and even Henry Winkler - but after watching it, it's completely clear that we're here for the lesser-known faces… Noki (Marnina Schon) enters the hearts of the viewers easily, as if we had not just met. The first season is still being broadcast, but it is already clear that this is one of the unique and daring comedies broadcast in Israel - and that it is also completely addictive.” — Time Out Israel, “The Best Series of 2022”
“מרנינה שון המצוינת” “the excellent Marnina Schon” — Samdar Shiloni, Yedioth Ahronoth
“מרנינה שון המדויקת והמקסימה” “The precise and charming Marnina Schon” — Shiri Yeshua, Walla!
“.ועל תקן הלב הפועם של הסדרה: מרנינה שון, במשבצת ה"מאיפה הגעת", שמגלמת את נוקי, חברת הילדות של חאנשי” “And as the reliable beating heart of the series: Marnina Schon, in the ‘where did you come from’ slot, who plays Noki, Chanshi’s childhood friend.” — Walla!, “The 12 Best Israeli Series of the Year”
”בסוף הלב האמיתי של הסדרה הוא חברות המרירה-מתוקה של חאנשי ונוקי. . . זאת לא חברות בריאה בהכרח, אבל יש בה גם הרבה יופי.המורכבות הרגשית הזו הופכת את "חאנשי" להרבה יותר מאשר קומדיה פרובוקטיבית ומטורללת – למרות שהיא לחלוטין כן שלושת הדברים האלה.“ “In the end the real heart of the series is the bittersweet friendship of Chanshi and Noki… It's not necessarily a healthy friendship, but it also has a lot of beauty. This emotional complexity makes ‘Chanshi’ much more than a provocative and deranged comedy - although it is absolutely all three of those things.” — Naama Rak, Time Out Israel
“At once dangerous and hilarious…. Andy Hoff and Marnina Schon skillfully imbue likeability into their rather unlikeable characters and create a uniquely watchable dynamic… Hoff and Schon’s comedic chemistry is pitch-perfect” - Stage Raw
“Wow! …[Group Therapy]’s three stars deliver the serio-comedic goods in spades. Schon is quirky perfection as Cassandra” - Stage Scene LA
Marnina Schon and Ava Lalezarzadeh in ANNE, A NEW PLAY at the Museum of Tolerance. (Photo by Michael Lamont.)
“Hints of Anne’s older sister Margot being a most interesting character sprinkle the first hour.... Finally near the end, Marnina Schon as Margot gets her own spotlight on the stage as she vividly describes what she plans to do when returned to their life of freedom. Wish Schon’s Margot had much more stage time (even though Margot in Anne’s book has hardly any prominence).”
“Schon makes an indelible impression as forgotten older sister Margot, a young woman with her own set of hopes and dreams.”
“...a highly committed and earnest supporting cast, with particular mention to the sweetly heartfelt performance of Marnina Schon as her sister Margot.”
“There is also an engaging quality about Schon. Though her role is not the most prominent, she has a very effective moment as she talks yearningly of a hoped-for experience of love.”
Marnina Schon and Philip Labes in MORE GUNS! A Musical Comedy About the NRA at Second City Hollywood. (Photo by Rachel Luna.)
“In a song called ‘Liberal Love,’ in which Christina [(Schon)] and Wolf (Labes) marvel at how great it is to be two high school students in love and in agreement about everything within their liberal bubble, the pair tip-tap their way through the title words as if they’re as delicate and powdery as freshly fallen snowflakes.” — Lily Janiak, San Francisco Chronicle
“Clever, tuneful, unexpectedly heart-filled More Guns! A Musical Comedy About the NRA, a Saturday night smash for Second City Hollywood.... Schon and O'Konis make for an irresistible pair of teens in love.” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA
Marnina Schon in Method & Madness Theater Company’s We Three Sisters. “Schon’s ethereal, earthy Olive…all three absolutely splendid, both individually and in some of the tightest, most challenging harmonies any contemporary composer can serve up…and Schon showing off some accomplished violin chops.” - StageSceneLA.
Coverage of a preview performance for Once in the Los Angeles Times' Daily Pilot.
"Marnina Schon (Ex-Girlfriend) does not have the largest role as the far away object of affection and additional instrumental cast member, but whether with words, music or dance movement, she is lively and bright." (Tracey Paleo, Gia on the Move)
"All 10 ensemble members are superbly skilled musicians with enough vocal, acting and dance talent to create character sketches that supplant Jerry’s and Sailors’ focal performances. While all are first-rate, of note are Schon’s violin work and the cello playing of Andy Taylor as a music-loving bank manager who becomes part of Guy’s backup band." (Eric Marchese, OC Register)
Translation: Precise and — and well, marnina (Hebrew for ‘exhilarating’ or ‘making rejoice’). Marnina Schon, “Chanshi” / screen shot